Our Team Plan

The Plan is to have 11 runners on board & a back up or two. Inevitably, someone will drop out before the race. We have quite a mixed group of runners but emphasis on having fun and finishing rather than “in it to win it”. Pace 8:45 to 9:00 minute miles. Transportation would be 2 vans (possibly 1 cargo & 1 passenger). The course is broken up into 36 stages or legs, each of which is run by one runner per team. The shortest leg is 2 miles, the longest is 10 miles, and the average is 5.8 miles. To download the entire course, click here


Todd said...

Please let me know if you think our Pace needs to be changed... We're registered for 8:45 to 9:00 miles. After getting schooled by Rob yesterday on a run, he thought maybe do a 9:30 minute mile would be more realitic... any thoughts?

chris said...

Yeah, that might be a good idea. I think they stagger teams at the start.

Anonymous said...

George, Bettis and myself just got crushed up here in Seven Devils, Hawksnest Ski Mountain. Did a 7 miler and thinking 10:00 to 10:30 might be a better pace, at least for the three of us. Holy shit those uphills can kill you.

Blue Ridge Relay Route

Blue Ridge Relay Route
Click on map for interactive info including: each segment, transition, runner based on 11 (or 12), & mileage